Celebrating wonder, joy, grace, and hope

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tipping Into Another Season

It's dusk, one of those evenings where the evening outdoor light seems to linger, hesitating to disappear in all its pink and golden glory.  Fall's presence - so comforting and warm, yet chilly and crisp at the same time.  Golden leaves sprinkle over and hide the fading green grass.  The time of year when hunters eagerly prepare for their hunt, children ponder Halloween costumes and yummy candy and people like me who think of a hot bowl of chili, knitting needles and a skein of soft wool yarn, a good book and a cup of warm spicy tea.  Fall encourages us to reflect over the past year, remember what we're thankful for and what we will anticipate for the coming year.  It's all good. 

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