Wow, how great to be 80 and going so strong. We celebrated our Dad's recent 80th birthday with a sweet afternoon party a few weeks ago. As I think back on the event, I am struck by what seems to stick in my mind from those few short hours. Perhaps it was the chance to reconnect with family and friends, to reconnect with people who were integral to my family and home life so many years ago and remain so even today. How fun it was to reconnect with family and friends to celebrate health, happiness and one more year of being together in this life. The chance for a pleasant pause to remember the things life brings us that are worthy of celebration and joy. And also a bittersweet reminder of those who are no longer with us and yet how our lives continue to be touched by them, even in their physical absence. We remember childhood treasures, family dinners, leaving home, life's major transitional periods that lead us to our current day concerns and affairs. I remain thankful that we can gather together to celebrate Dad's life that continues to be characterized by good fortune, humor, happiness and apparent well-being. Maybe that's what life is really all about.

Great pictures and post!